Project Information
The city will submit a grant funding application in February 2022 for a project on Barwick Road from Lake Ida Road to Sabal Lakes Road (North). The objective will be to construct traffic calming improvements to reduce vehicular speeds and provide sidewalk and shared-use paths to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety along Barwick Road. This is particularly relevant to students attending and traveling to the Banyan Creek Elementary School.
In November 2021, the city conducted speed studies along this stretch of Barwick Road with the result that the 85th percentile benchmark speed was measured at 42.11 MPH, more than 7 MPH above the posted speed limit of 35 MPH. Additionally, there were 26 crashes recorded within the study limits over the past three years, including 6 with injuries, four of which caused incapacitating injuries.
The city proposes to narrow the roadway, introducing landscaped pinch points behind raised curbs that will cause drivers to slow down. We propose to build a new 10-foot concrete shared use path on the east side of Barwick Road, allowing us to remove the existing 8-foot asphalt path and the guardrail. On the west side of Barwick Road, we propose to build a sidewalk from Lake Ida Road to Sabal Lakes Road (North). The location of the sidewalk will vary from adjacent to the right-of-way line to adjacent to the travel way. This will allow us to maintain the existing landscape buffers. Please refer to the three draft concept drawings for a visual presentation of the proposed project scope. Should the city be awarded a grant for this project, a robust public involvement process is planned for the design phase to engage residents in the design process.
The Purpose of the Palm Beach Transportation Agency's (TPA) Local Initiative (LI) Program is to help advance lower-cost, non-regionally significant transportation projects identified by our communities.
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Contact Info
Jason M. Kaufman, P.E.
Engineering Division Manager
Telephone: 561-243-7000, Ext: 6235